Planning Activities: Schedule Interviews/Develop Questions

I originally wanted to do my article on Jilissa Ann, a college student who lives in my town. She has an Instagram account with 210 thousand followers. I wanted to ask her how she decides what outfits to wear in the pictures she posts and how it affects her and others. I e-mailed her business e-mail asking if she wanted to do an interview and a photoshoot, but I never heard back. A couple days later I direct messaged her on Instagram and she still didn't reply. I waited three days, and when she still didn't reply, I decided to ask someone else for an interview and a shoot. I decided to contact Savannah West, a local college student who had 40.2 thousand Instagram followers. I direct messaged her on Instagram, and she replied a few hours later. She said she would be thrilled to do an interview and a photoshoot, so we set up a date to do the shoot and do the interview over lunch. I brainstormed a list of questions I would ask her. I came up with a good number of questions and made a voice memo of the interview so I could listen to it later. Here are some of the questions I asked her.
-Where do you go to school? What do you study?
-How long did it take you to grow your account? How did you do it?
-What kind of account do you classify it as?
-Do you have any tips for aspiring Instagram influencers?
-How much of your personality is put into your accounts?
-How many of your posts are sponsored? do you have any professional relationships with any companies? Do you typically reach out to them or do they reach out to you?
-How do you choose your outfits? Who takes your pictures?
-How do you decide what to post?
-What do you think you're known for?
-How do you have a positive effect on the Instagram community? How does it have a positive effect on you?
-Are there any times it has a negative effect?
-Is this considered a career? What are your career plans for the future?
-What are your future plans for your account?
