Project Selection-Magazine

Since I was six years old, I've been getting fashion magazines to my house. As I got older the magazines matured, but I've always had an interest in the articles, spreads, letters from the editor and even advertisements in magazines. In school, I often have to read online articles about various subjects, which I enjoy because of how informative they are. I like reading interviews because you can read the questions the interviewer asked in order to get the information they were looking for, opposed to just reading the interviewee's answers. The only part of newspapers I read were the comic section, which doesn't really count as journalism. I think that the magazine project would make a great fit for me. I'm a good writer, interested in graphic design, good photographer, and have a good sense of how to make creative and eye-catching layouts. the project could be a challenge because I don't know how to work the design software and edit photographs. Overall, I think the magazine project will be the best fit for me. 
