CCR Draft #1

1) How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

My magazine is geared towards teens and young wome. It follows the conventions of teen magazines with bright colors and articles about things like teen fashion and relationship advice. My cover page follows conventions because Savannah West's face is overlaying the title of the magazine. Like most other magazines, the model on the cover page is also who the main article is about. My table of contents follows convenntions with the way it's laid out. It also doesn't follow conventions because the background isn't a solid white, it's a picture of Savannah with a blue background. My article has a quote that stands out against the rest of the text, which is conventional. My magazine represents social groups of teens and young adults who use social media. My article talks about the rise of internet popularity and how it can affect a single person's life.
