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Mid Term Magazine Draft


Planning Activities: Schedule Photo Shoots

I scheduled the photoshoot with Savannah to be on the same day I did the interview with her. We took pictures around downtown with my camera. We found some colorful walls, some brick buildings, and I even took a few shots that had her reflection on the glass window of a store she was next to. the shoot took around an hour and a half.

Planning Activities: Scout locations for photo shoots

When I was scouting locations for a photo shoot, I considered multiple locations. I looked at a couple of parks near me but decided on downtown. There are a lot of cool older-looking buildings and graffiti on the walls. There's a lot of vibrant colored walls that made good backgrounds. I walked around downtown before meeting Savannah and scouted out a few cool spots to take pictures. There was a bright yellow bike with flowers on it, a blue wall, and some plants that would make a good background.

Planning Activities: Schedule Interviews/Develop Questions

I originally wanted to do my article on Jilissa Ann, a college student who lives in my town. She has an Instagram account with 210 thousand followers. I wanted to ask her how she decides what outfits to wear in the pictures she posts and how it affects her and others. I e-mailed her business e-mail asking if she wanted to do an interview and a photoshoot, but I never heard back. A couple days later I direct messaged her on Instagram and she still didn't reply. I waited three days, and when she still didn't reply, I decided to ask someone else for an interview and a shoot. I decided to contact Savannah West, a local college student who had 40.2 thousand Instagram followers. I direct messaged her on Instagram, and she replied a few hours later. She said she would be thrilled to do an interview and a photoshoot, so we set up a date to do the shoot and do the interview over lunch. I brainstormed a list of questions I would ask her. I came up with a good number of questions and made

Planning Activities: Flat Plan

For my flat plan, I made an account with a flat plan website instead of making a table. I made sure to have advertisements throughout the magazine, and have more ads at the beginning like other magazines do. I included a 'credits' page where the different people working on an actual magazine would be credited. The page numbers of the different pages are at the bottom left and right of the pages.

Planning Activities: Table of Contents Template

For my Table of Contents template, I looked at other magazines for inspiration. I saw one magazine had used the word "directory" instead of "table of contents" and I thought that was really interesting. I decided to make the numbers larger than the font of the articles, and have pictures throughout the different titles. I used pictures of some pumpkins I had taken as placeholders for the actual pictures I would put in.

Planning Activities: Cover Design Template

For my cover template, I looked at a variety of magazines like Vogue, Seventeen, and Elle for inspiration. I have the title of the magazine at the top, along with some blurbs about articles on the sides. I also have the issue month and year at the top.

Magazine Project Research #5

The fifth magazine I chose to look at was Harper's Bazaar's December 2017/January 2018 issue. The government is a picture of Emila Clarke on a golden spiral staircase. She's wearing a baby pink dress with a very long tail that's cover in tulle. She's standing at the top of the staircase looking back at the camera. The staircase is surrounded by green leaves and plants. The word 'Bazaar' from the magazine's name is curved and the curve matches up with the curve of the staircase, making the cover very pleasing to the eye. There are a lot of advertisements at the beginning of the magazine showing fragrance, designers, makeup, and jewelry. In the magazine, there are many different pictures, including full-body shots, and close-ups.

Magazine Project Research #4

The fourth magazine I looked at was W Magazine's 2017 Holiday Issue. The cover is a picture of Daniel Day-Lewis in front of a baby blue backdrop, sitting on a stool. The big 'W' on the front of the magazine is in a metallic gold color. The advertisements are mostly at the beginning and the nd of the magazine. They're mostly perfume, makeup, jewelry, and clothing advertisements. Most of the photos in this magazine are full-body shots, though there are some close-ups and mid-body shots.

Magazine Project Research #3

The third magazine I researched is Vogue's December 2017 Issue. The cover is a picture of Pharell Williams and Imaan Hammam in an outside setting. The title of the magazine is behind Pharell and Imaan in bold, red letters. As you flip through the magazine, there are fragrance ads on thicker pages, so it's easier to flip to them. There are a lot of fragrance, jewelry, makeup, and designer ads. The magazine has a variety of full-body, half-body, and close-up shots throughout it. The table of contents has a small picture of the cover on it, and the atricles have a picture of whoever the article is about.

Magazine Project Research #2

The second magazine I chose to look at is the Instyle January 2018 Issue. The cover is a white background with a body shot of Zendaya in a metallic silver jumpsuit. The title of the magazine, Instyle, is on the top of the cover, behind Zendaya. The first couple pages are ads, then a table of contents on the fourth page. There's also a letter from the editor at the beginning. The advertisements are mostly clothing, perfume, jewelry, and makeup. There's an article about wearable art, and some spreads on different themed fashions. One article is about Sara and Erin Foster's favorite beauty products. The photos are moslty clse-ups, mid-shots, and full-body shots to show off makeup and outfits.

Magazine Project Research #1

The first magazine I looked at was Elle's January "Party Edition" Issue. My magazine is going to be a fashion magazine, so I looked at fashion magazines. The cover has a picture of Zoe Kravitz with a solid baby blue background. Zoe's wearing a flower-patterned dress and big, dark hoop earrings. The name of the magazine, Elle, is written in big white letters. Part of the word is obstructed because the picture of Zoe is in front of the name. The very start of the magaine is ads, as well as a bunch more ads strewn throughout the magazine. The advertisements are mostly for different clothing, makeup, and jewelry companies. The Elle "Coach of the Month" is Ellevest CEO Sallie Krawcheck. She talks about the "male-dominated world of finance." There's a section at the very back of the magazine for continuations of articles. The articles are a mix of fashion and beauty tips and more political topics like feminism. Most of the photos in the magazine are

Project Selection-My Decision

I have chosen to do the magazine project. Some skills I have that would make this process the best fit for me are that I'm very creative and can edit photos. I am skilled at photography, writing, and designing layouts. My project would be a fashion magazine. I want my article to either be about how famous people influence daily fashion, or how runway fashion differs from everyday (street) fashion and how they affect each other. If I'm able to, I would like to interview someone who works in the fashion field. I haven't decided on what I want to title my magazine yet. I will work alone on my project.

Project Selection-Film

An aspect of film production that interests me are the different shots used while filming. I'm interested in learning how all the different shots used invoke different emotions in viewers and how the shots themselves represent characters's feelings. I'm also interested in the script writing process of film production. Films can be more entertaining because they tell a story--usually with a lot of drama involved. A skill I possess that would make the film project a good fit for me is that I'm a good writer, so coming up with a story and writing a script would be interesting to do. I'm also a good video editor. The project might be a challenge for me because I have never recorded or made any type of film before, and I'm not familiar with editing software other than iMovie.

Project Selection-Magazine

Since I was six years old, I've been getting fashion magazines to my house. As I got older the magazines matured, but I've always had an interest in the articles, spreads, letters from the editor and even advertisements in magazines. In school, I often have to read online articles about various subjects, which I enjoy because of how informative they are. I like reading interviews because you can read the questions the interviewer asked in order to get the information they were looking for, opposed to just reading the interviewee's answers. The only part of newspapers I read were the comic section, which doesn't really count as journalism. I think that the magazine project would make a great fit for me. I'm a good writer, interested in graphic design, good photographer, and have a good sense of how to make creative and eye-catching layouts. the project could be a challenge because I don't know how to work the design software and edit photographs. Overall, I think